Budgeting & Cashflow Perth

Take the mystery out of your finances. Feel more in control. Make confident decisions about your finances. How can you achieve all this? By creating a budget. After all, what gets measured gets achieved.

Do I need a budget?

A budget is simply a plan for your money. Following a budget allows you to manage your finances and to work towards your future financial goals. It means you will have enough money to pay your bills, to save and to use for things you want to buy.

We have found that often our clients are in the dark about their day to day finances. They feel stuck and unable to move forward, save or plan. At Fortuna, we can show you that there is little to fear in wealth management but that the devil is in the detail.


Creating your budget

Using our modelling software, we can create a crisp picture of your cash flows. To do this, we use recent bank statements as there is no better place to begin designing a budget than with actual data. Our Fortuna experts work together with you to build the complete picture of your finances.

We discuss your financial goals and what you’d like to do with any surplus income. We can then create a budget that allows you to meet these goals. Setting a budget means you can prioritise your spending. It’s a way of focussing on achieving those financial goals.

If you have immediate investments that require financing, Fortuna offers brokerage services, supporting a range of investments including, motor vehicle, commercial property, business financing, equipment and more.

To the future

It is essential to monitor your spending compared to the budget. On many occasions, once clients have a greater understanding of their spending habits, they feel in control of their finances for the first time. This feeling of power can be life-changing and tends to spill over into many other areas of their t’s life.

Fortuna Advisors can help you feel empowered today, chat to us today about how we can help improve your cash flows.