Leasing new business premises? DON’T sign that Offer to Lease…
When selecting new leased premises, tenants must be careful of two critical issues in the ‘Offer to Lease’ (OTL). (more…)
When selecting new leased premises, tenants must be careful of two critical issues in the ‘Offer to Lease’ (OTL). (more…)
While no list can capture every scenario where changing your will would be desirable, the list below covers most cases where updating your will would be advisable, in addition to the obvious one: if it no longer reflects your wishes.
Fortuna Accountants & Business Advisors along with Fortuna Legal combined to successfully object to an amended assessment issued by the ATO which sought to impose additional tax, penalties and loss denials on a restaurant group of over $500,000.
The critical objective of estate planning is to ensure that the right people get your assets after you pass away. Traditionally this is done via a Will; however, it is now common for a third or more of a family’s wealth to be in superannuation, which is not automatically covered by your will.
It is a topic that no one likes to think about, but the importance of making a proper Will cannot be emphasised enough.
If a person dies without leaving a Will this is known as dying “intestate”. This can also happen if a person has a will, but the Will is invalid because, for example they did not have proper mental capacity or if the formal requirements for a valid will have not been met.